Posted on May 7, 2012 by farming4you
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This was the week…Grace and Lydea started seeds of basil in our little greenhouse over a month ago. They faithfully watered the seeds and watched them grow…somewhat patiently.

And finally the basil had grown so that we could pinch the fragrant leaves and use them to season our pizza!

Stirring the dough was fun and they were so enthusiastic I didn’t get a picture.

Rolling the dough was fun too, but required sharing the rolling pin…

They were uncertain about eating green leaves on their pizza…I’m trying, Mrs. Obama. I’m trying.

Would you like to try? It’s actually quite delicious and you can leave off the “green leaves” if you prefer… Hamburger Pizza (of course!) recipe is below your “Farm Fact for the Day”! Enjoy!
Farm Fact for the Day: We recently had some fields terraced-our own and a landlord’s. Terracing protects a field from erosion—saving valuable topsoil!

Hamburger Pizza
Crust: I used a package for the dough…just add water, stir, let set 5 minutes and you’re ready to go!)
Sauce: Spaghetti sauce or pizza sauce…whatever you have on hand will work. The trick is to have a hot, hot oven and a pizza stone or wrought iron. Place crust with sauce spread evenly in oven for 5 minutes…this keeps the crust from being soggy.
Now top the pizza with browned hamburger, mozzarella cheese and basil leaves. Bake another 10 minutes or so and lunch is ready!!!