Posted on August 26, 2012 by farming4you
1 Comment
Oh, to be like Habakkuk:
“Though the fig tree should not blossom”

“And there be no fruit on the vines,”

“Though the yield of the olive should fail And the fields produce no food,”

“Though the flock should be cut off from the fold And there be no cattle in the stalls,”

“Yet I will exult in the LORD,
I will rejoice in the God of my salvation,
The Lord GOD is my strength,
And He has made my feet like hinds’ feet,
And makes me walk on my high places.”
Habakkuk 3:17-19
I’m afraid I have been murmuring and complaining about this drought.
And then I read NIGHT by Elie Wiesel about the Holocaust.
And I have nothing to complain about.
The amazing thing is that in spite of being in the “severe drought conditions”, we have the most delicious, sweetest and tastiest fruit on our trees and vines. And the fields are producing food – my men have chopped 1250 tons of silage over the past week and we will be able to feed our cattle. That is amazing grace in a dry and thirsty land!

CHEESY TOMATO STROGANOFF (from August 2012 Home Life)

1 pound wide egg noodles
1 pound ground beef
1 (15-ounce) can tomato sauce
1 can diced tomatoes (I used some of my luscious garden tomatoes)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon garlic powder
8 ounces cream cheese, softened
8 ounces sour cream
3 green onions, sliced
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
Makes 8 servings
Preheat oven to 350 degrees, Boil noodles and set aside. Brown ground beef
and drain. Add tomato sauce, tomatoes, salt, and garlic powder to beef. In a
separate bowl, mix together cream cheese, sour cream, and green onions.
Layer ingredients in a 9-by-13-inch pan or two 8-by-8-inch pans: first
noodles, then beef and tomatoes, and then cream cheese mixture. Top with
shredded cheese. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes.
You could also serve Jeff’s Peach Cobbler. He made it for us with peaches from our very own tree in the backyard. We’ve had the most peaches ever IN SPITE
But I don’t have the recipe. I heard that it is similar to Paula Deen’s on
Food Network, but there is a rumor that Jeff has added a secret
All I know is that this is all that was left of it after Jeff prepared a
Sunday Evening BBQ for us (in my kitchen) while some were boating and
swimming and others were visiting Grandma. Now that is an amazing

After Cheese tomato Stroganoff and Peach Cobbler you will want to go for a walk…we did! And we enjoyed watching this little fellow swim across the lake.

“The Lord GOD is my strength,
And He has made my feet like hinds’ feet,
And makes me walk on my high places.”

You say, “Oh to be like Habakkuk….” and I agree. That is one of my favorite verses that you shared with me for the first time many years ago. It is often on my mind and have often paraphrased it to match our current circumstances, but I have never put such amazing photography to match Habakkuk’s inspired words. And I often think, even if I don’t say it enough, “Oh to be like my amazing sister who constantly inspires me to be better than I am.” I love you so much and am oh so proud of YOU. Keep letting God use you.You are a blessing to us alll. Love Sis